Life doesn’t always work out as expected and sometimes, there are circumstances beyond our control that impact our lives. In our community and surrounding areas there are hundreds of women every year who receive support from social service agencies and...
If you have an abundant amount of new and gently used children & women’s items that are consuming your home, you have a wonderful opportunity to release the no longer needed items and sell them earning a commission with Closet to Closet Kids Consignment...
THANK YOU IDA! I thought we were getting a little house decluttering before we sold it. We got so much more. Areas of the house we might have to hide, were suddenly selling points. The change was unbelievable! I truly believe that Ida’s skill and experience...
Planning a move? Need to move? Moves can be very stressful and expensive if they are not planned correctly. SMART Organizing offers services to help you develop your move plan by identifying your priorities, establishing SMART goals and taking...
Attention parents and caregivers…How many of you have walked into your kids’ bedroom only to find what looks like a tornado ripped through it? Do you have kids that leave a path of chaos in every space they occupy in the house? Are your kids...
Witnessing the stunning beauty of the supermoon over the past few days, and feeling especially inspired and energetic, I turned to Google to do some supermoon research. An article I came across in was very intriguing especially because they...